I’m going to play devil’s advocate here. It’s a bit more than smarter search, but along those lines, maybe we could say it is trending toward exact search. I agree with Jason in that we are in our infancy of AI. Maybe I would say it is more like Yahoo. Plus it can repurpose at a great rate and drive rapid adoption of good ideas (or bad—so fingers crossed).

Training new models is trivial now, Mike. And we can run those models with little more effort than we run our laptops at home. In fact, many of us have over powered game machines and massive data stores that can perform generative crunching just fine.

That said, the TTRPG industry has drawn a hard line on behalf of creatives. I believe that will whittle down, starting with Oracle like customer service, improved logistics management, and moving through ever so slowly as to be another tool for the artist, the writer, and the designer. But it will be interesting to see what happens and how creative people leverage it.

Where I fall in line is that there will be a bubble or at least many failed attempts until the energy consumption drops in model training. And just as with search, we will see lots of startups whittle down to a few massive corporations. What we did not have with search was large tech companies with 100s of billions in cash. So it should all be very interesting.

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We're in the Ask Jeeves phase of AI.

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Hey Mike, I saved this post the other day and came back to it. I couldn't agree more - we are very much in the early days of AI, there will be a lot of experimentation, overuse and hype before the playing field levels, and probably in a way we can't fully predict. I actually quoted you in a post I wrote about the topic: https://caoilainn.substack.com/p/what-if-ai-makes-your-art-more-valuable

AI is consuming a lot of my thoughts these days and I find the developments pretty fascinating to watch from the sidelines, especially the way that artists choose to embrace it, experiment with it or shun it.

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Well said!

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Great take.

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